Thursday, February 16, 2012


you know how there are some puppies that are to cute to leave . like the ones with the rinkly faces and the big eyes there some of the cutest ones and the best part of all is that some times you get to take them home. but dont apsolooooooooooooooooooooootly dont name them some thing they or you will regret because you dont want to be calling your dog puchy or fluffy or even coco because if you want a good them something like max or lucky or even scamp. i love all those names the lucky scamp and max ones any way . i have got a puppy named gizmo and he is so cute like absoultly cute :).

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today im going to be talking about the newer things in life because some people block the rest of the world out of there lifes just because they are to interested in there own elctornics . i know its weared to be talking about this on an electronic device but its ok to use electronic and all but dont use them so constuntly that you dont have time for friends okay justt make me a promise to spend some time with your friends.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


today im going to be talking about loud speckersyou know what is annoying about them is that they never are quiet or shy. they just dont ever finish talking for at least a half'n hour its just so rude sometimes . dont you agree . i just hope that\maybe some day some one will have the guts to tell them that there so loud and need to lower there voice. 

                            thanks for listening :
                                jellybeans ;)